We were only in Lima for a night because it is so massive, and really quite like every other city in the world. However we did have time to meet up with a Canadian we met in Mancora, and we tried Pisco sours, which are like strange mixture of Pisco (a white grape brandy), egg white and lemon. Other than that not much really happened except we sold out again, we went to Starbucks and got frappichinos.
Ok. So now we are in Cusco and have spent all our time shopping eating and sleeping.Oh and a bit of drinking (but only coca cola of course). And maybe some Inca Cola which is bright yellow and tastes like a mixture between irnbru and barroca. We tried cocoa leaves, which your meant to chew and then leave under your gums, and are supposed to have a caffeine like effect, however if you cover them in alkaline apparently thay become slightly phychotic. Anyway, we´ve been here about three days so far and I managed to have an epic game of Peruvian monopoly with some Norweigians... I came second but I suspect there was some cheating going on. They were also horrified with the fact that I couldn´t point Norway out on a map.
It has been along time since any of us have washed our clothes, and they have begun to feel like second skins... slightly smelly second skins, although Phoebe wants to buy some lynx (or axe as it is called here) to cover it up. I told her just to take a shower but she wouldnt listen....
So we don´t start Macchu Picchu untl the 12th and we have lots of free time. To be continued.............
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