Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Ambue Ari

So, within a few hours of being at the Parque we decided to stay for a month. This meant we could work with big cats... It was a once in a life time opportunity and despite the annoyances of basicallly a carb overloaded, vegetarian, slop meal everyday, no electricity, cold showers, hay mattresses and a few annoying people... everything else was amazing. I (Pb) got to work with a jaguar called Katie and Tilly worked with an osselote called Lazy Cat. We walked and fed them everyday and played with them in their cages. No major injuries, just a few scratches. No stitches needed but my Steri Strips did come in handy for someone else... The benefits of being a doctors daughter.

We also met some amazing people, went to a fun ´tribal´ themed prom, I also got my nose pierced and was ´Candy Shop girl´. Living in such an intense place like this, it sounds cheesy but you kindof start to feel like a family and it was hard to leave and say our goodbyes...

In Sucre now, gonna try and stock up on some artisan goodies before heading down to the mines at Potosi.

Hope everyone is well back home.